Our team keep working with many well-known and respected clients and engaged in many major significant projects in Armenia, particularly in the Improvement of corporate management of the public companies, the concession of the airport and railway legal due diligence of companies engaged in aviation, telecommunications, mining, energy, banking and financial sectors, privatization of state property and companies, etc.
Veon Armenia CJSC is one of the three phone operators in Armenia. The tax authority has drawn up a tax deed against the latter, which refers to double taxation with the Russian Federation. It raised a tax liability of $2.5million. Our team has provided consulting to the client as well as defends it at court. There are three major telecommunications companies in Armenia, one of which, Veon Armenia CJSC, which is owned by Veon. The latter expressed a desire to sell the shares of Veon Armenia CJSC. We provide consulting and anti-competitive guidance, as a result of which the antimonopoly body approved the transaction of sale of shares.
Air transportation
ARMENIAN HELICOPTERS LLC is the only civil helicopter transportation company operating in Armenia. Providing complete legal consulting, we have drawn up the company’s employment contracts, the organization’s international and local cooperation agreements.
Due to the Covid 19 virus epidemic, the number of flights has sharply decreased. Thanks to the work of our team, changes in the rules of work procedures of ARMENIA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTS CJSC were promptly made, which made it possible to reduce costs and bring the work of the airports in line with the existing conditions.
Providing postal, financial and retail trade services
Haypost CJSC is the national postal operator of the Republic of Armenia, providing postal, financial, and retail trade services. Our company participates in the meetings of the organization’s disciplinary committee, which contributes to the reduction of employees’ disciplinary liability, as well as of legal risks of dismissal.
Drafting the of the Republic of Armenia Law on Cinematography with the financial support of European Union.
Housing development in Armenia
DIGH has implemented a housing investment project in Armenia. Problems arose with the project’s Armenian partners within the framework of the project. In October 2019 the court granted the claims of our team and registered the ownership of these newly built buildings in the name of DIGH.
Mineral water production
New Yida LLC is a Chinese-invested company that is willing to build a mineral water plant in Armenia. A competing company filed a lawsuit in the administrative court against “New Ida” LLC, wishing to suspend the licensing process, on the pretext that the process is in violation of the law. As a result of the work, the courts of the first instance and later the courts of appeal rejected the claims of the competing company.
Power transmission and infrastructure
Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd is an Indian company that was implementing an energy infrastructure construction project in Armenia. The tax authority issued an inspection deed against Kalpataru. After long negotiations, the parties decided to reconcile at court.
GEOPROMINING GOLD LLC, one of the largest mining companies in Armenia, is also one of the largest employers. In cooperation with the company’s legal and human resources teams, our employees have prepared the work organization reforms, drew up the necessary documents and procedures.
Alcohol production
Yerevan Brandy Company CJSC is the largest producer of brandy in Armenia. The latter had a dispute with the Yerevan Municipality over garbage collection. The Municipality claimed that the factory was underpaying for garbage collection. As a result of the work done, it was managed to reduce the burden of garbage collection fees to some extent, and as for the rest, a lawsuit was prepared to file to the court.
TIERRAS DE ARMENIA CJSC is one of the largest wine companies in Armenia, which owns the “Karas” trademark. А trademark was used by the competitor which was similar to the degree of confusion. Based on our lawsuit filed, it was managed to suspend the use of that trademark before the judgment.
Spirits International B.V. is a Swiss company which is the legal holder of “Moskovskaya” and “Stolichnaya” trademarks. There is a lawsuit in Armenia claiming the invalidation of the registration of these trademarks, which was initiated by the Russian company Soyuzplodoimport. Our team successfully defends the client’s interests in various courts.